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Watch Matsyasana - Fish Pose

Watch Matsyasana - Fish Pose

Up Next in Beginning The Journey Of Ashtanga - Tutorials and Practices For Beginners

  • Uttanapadasana

    Uttanpadasana or the raised leg pose has all of the benefits of matsyasana (fish pose), and it also strengthens the abdominals and hip flexors. This is an excellent posture for "six-pack abs!"

  • Modified Headstand

    Sirsanasana or headstand is sometimes called the "king of asanas." In this tutorial, we'll show you how to modify this advanced posture to make sure your neck stays safe. You'll still experience the benefits of increased circulation and this pose is great for stretching and strengthening the shou...

  • Padmasana - Lotus

    This posture helps to stretch the hips. It's great to practice keeping the spine extended, helping to develop good posture. Always be mindful of your knees and ankles while practicing padmasana. If the hips aren't open enough for the full posture, stay with the modification.